You might notice that there are no links anywheres on this site to Kickstarter or Indie-Go-Go or what have you. After weighing the pros and cons of such platforms, I've decided to try and run pre-orders myself.
A lot of people "get" crowd-funding sites and will get books through such a site.
I have a proven track record crowdfunding.
Those sites provide their own structure and branding.
There are also people who don't "get" crowd-funding. also, there are some who "get" it, but hate it.
Crowd-funding is fueled by drama and emotional leverage. I just want you to buy my cool books.
I dunno what crowd-funding sites do with the 10% or so they take off the top. Kinda creeps me out.
Structure and branding? Sheeeee-iiiit. I'll make my own, thanks.
I'm not a COMPLETE dope, though. I know that crowd-funding works for a couple different reasons. Some folks like the feeling of helping out a small press artsy type like me. It makes them feel like they are part of the community. (You already are, but thanks for going he extra mile!) Other folks like the "inside baseball: aspects. Crowdfunding brings some always needed transparency to the business side of things. 'How much does it take to make a comic? What are the benchmarks of success? Does it ever become a business instead of a hobby?" Whichever category of crowd-funding-booster you fall into, this page will be regularly updated for you!
The above graphic will keep you posted on my progress in a Kickstarter-ish style. I'll also be adding periodic tips for helping me out through his pre-order offer. Or helping any small press publisher/artist out. I promise the tips will be transferrable!
Here is this week's tip/request:
Be A BIG MOUTH: Word of mouth is the number one best way to get people interested in Nix Comics, so open up your laptop or flip phone or that magnificent yap of yours and tell someone that they should head to!
Tell 'em what you like about Nix Comics! (And thanks if you do!)